Annie Linhart

Annie began working full time in the outdoor industry as a late teen, her portfolio spanning across sectors that include camps, collegiate outdoor programs, nonprofits, independent outdoor specialty stores, and more. She spends her 9-5 as the Operations and Outreach Manager for Viristar, a global training and consulting firm that supports outdoor, adventure, and education outfits around the world. Outside of Viristar she instructs first responder courses for Wilderness Medical Associates International and supports other outdoor programs with needs including Leave No Trace, paddling instruction, and more.

She has a B.S. in Outdoor Recreation Leadership and Management as well as a M.S. in Outdoor Recreation. Some of her additional credentials include EMT-B, Wilderness First Responder, Leave No Trace Master Educator Trainer, Mental Health First Aid, and Wilderness Lifeguard.

Annie is passionate about seeing a more accurate representation of the clients we serve in the pool of outdoor professionals who serve them – and is particularly interested in developing pathways to elevate women in the outdoor industry. When not thinking about outdoor program curriculum and risk, you can find Annie playing outside in the water, on the snow, or indoors at the pottery studio.

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